A garage in strong point V L on the island of Terschelling. After the war, the bunker was used by the city for storage.
Photography: Peter de Krom
Shelter; possibly a Küver [Küstenverteidigungs]bunker.
Photography: Peter de Krom
Footer for FuMO 214
A footer for a FuMO 214 [Funk-mess-Ortung] “Würzburg Riese” radar.
Photography: Peter de Krom
668 Kleinstunterstand
Close combat defense position in a small type 668 six-man shelter.
Photography: Peter de Krom
668 Kleinstunterstand
The interior of a small type 668 six-man shelter in Stützpunkt V L.
Photography: Peter de Krom
Entrance to a Küver bunker
The entrance to a Küver [Küstenverteidigungs]bunker in Stützpunkt V L.
Photography: Peter de Krom
Interior of a type 413 twelve-man anti-aircraft artillery bunker
Interior of a type 413 Küver [Küstenverteidigungs]bunker for 12 men.
Photography: Peter de Krom