Atlantic Wall terminology
German abbreviations – expansion, translation, clarification
Bodenständig = permanent (structure)
Fla = Flak
Flak = Fliegerabwehrkanone = Air defense artillery/anti-aircraft gun
FlaGruKo = Flakgruppenkommando = Air defense group command
FuMO = Funkmessortung = Radio guided target acquisition
FuMB = Funkmessbeobachtung = Radio guided observation
H.K.A.A. = Heeres Küsten Artillerie Abteilung = Army Coastal Artillery Section
H.K.B. = Heeresküstenbatterie = Army Coastal Battery
H.K.L. = Hauptkampflinie = Main Defense Line Kernwerk = heart of the fortress, the last stronghold or reduit within a fortress (cluster of heavy bunkers)
Küver = Küstenverteidigung = Coastal defense (bunker type)
MarKoStand = Marinekommandostand = Navy Command Post
M.A.A. = Marine Artillerie Abteilung = Navy Artillery Section
M.Fl.A. = Marine Flak Abteilung = Navy Air Defense Section
M.Fl.B. = Marineflakbatterie = Navy Air Defense Battery
M.S.B. = Marine Seezielbatterie = Navy Coastal Battery
O.T. = Organisation Todt = Todt Organization (responsible for construction of the Atlantic Wall)
S.K. = Sonderkonstruktion = special construction – unique bunker or modification of a standard design
St = Ständig (Ständiger Ausbau) = (permanent) bomb-proof bunkers
St.P. = Stützpunkt = Strong point
Stp.Gr. = Stützpunktgruppe = Group of strong points
V.B. = Verteidigungsbereich = Defense zone
V.F. = Verstärkt Feldmässig = Thin-walled, reinforced (fortification)
W.N. = Widerstandsnest = Resistance nest