The Georgian Uprising |
The Georgian Uprising
Texel was an important element in the Atlantic Wall; with well over 500 structures, including three coastal batteries and two anti-aircraft batteries, the Germans had turned the island into a heavily fortified strong point. Nevertheless, the circumstances of everyday life on Texel were not as bad as they were in the rest of the Netherlands. The island produced enough food and the Germans were not too much of a nuisance to the Texelaars. It was as if the war was going to bypass Texel…until the outbreak of the Georgian Uprising. |
Excerpt from the documentary “Van fort tot Stützpunktgruppe”Excerpt from the documentary “Van fort tot Stützpunktgruppe” [From fortress to strong point group] by Paul Dijkstra. The footage was shot on 4 May 2009 (the Dutch WWII memorial day), during the annual commemoration at the Georgian cemetery. |
- Maps
Extant German emplacements
German emplacements no longer present
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